Monday, 17 April 2017

Cara memverifikasi Paypal dengan VCC/VCN melalui fitur Octopay milik dari CIMB Niaga

Kabar gembira buat teman-temanku sekalian yang masih saja mengalami kendala dalam hal memverifikasi rekening paypal karena takut memiliki kartu kredit, bahwa akhir-akhir ini kamu jangan bersedih lagi, bahwa sekarang kamu bisa melakukan pembayaran online melalui rekening paypalmu, hanya cukup dengan memanfaatkan sebuah layanan dari CIMB Niaga yang bernama octopay untuk memverifikasi rekening paypalmu nantinya. Ini cukup mudah kok, kamu hanya cukup membuka rekening CIMB Niagamu, setelah itu kamu wajib mengaktifkan layanan e-commerce dengan menautkan kartu  ponselmu, dan setelah itu kamu juga harus mengaktifkan layanan octopay  dengan menautkan kartu  ponselmu lagi, dimana keduanya bisa kamu lakukan melalui atm jika kamu lupa mengaktifkannya di bank bersangkutan. Mari kita simak tentang layanan dari octopay:


OctoPay, sahabat baru untuk urusan transaksi dan belanja kamu dalam akun Facebook.
Untuk transaksi,OctoPay bisa memperlihatkan saldo rekening, transfer uang, beli pulsa dan bayar tagihan.
Yang lebih seru lagi, buat teman-teman yang belum punya kartu kredit sekalipun, bisa belanja online pakai Virtual Credit Card* nya OctoPay dengan leluasa dan aman!
Simak asyiknya transaksi dan berbelanja dengan OctoPay sambil gaul di Facebook.
*Virtual Credit Card adalah layanan Nomor Kartu Virtual dari MasterCard dengan pendebitan langsung dari rekening.
Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang OctoPay, klik di sini.
Dari keterangan diatas, setelah kamu mengaktifkan layanan octopay melalui bank/atm, kamu wajib login ke akun facebookmu dan mencari aplikasi octopay atau mengetik pada tombol search di facebookmu, setelah ketemu kamu login pada aplikasi octopay tersebut dengan memasukkan user ID dari struk mesin atm yang kamu dapatkan sewaktu kamu mengaktifkan octopay pertama kali beserta password dan juga kode aktivasi yang terkirim lewat ponselmu. Untuk lebih jelas, lihat rincian dibawah, tentang bagaimana kamu melakukan pembelian VCC/VCN melalui layanan octopay untuk memverifikasi akun paypalmu nantinya:
Cara membuat VCC/VCN untuk memverifikasi rekening paypal:
  1. Ditransaksi pembelian dan isi ulang, pilih virtual MasterCard
  2. Isi nominal VCC/VCN, minimum 10.000 dan maksimum 10.000.000
  3. Masukkan password /passcode octopaymu kembali, setelah itu VCC/VCN terbentuk
Penting, untuk memverifikasi rekening paypal:
  1. 16 angka nomor VCC/VCN (seperti nomor kartu kredit)
  2. Masa berlaku VCC/VCN (Expiry date)
  3. Kode CVC yang terkirim via sms di ponselmu
  4. Login di rekening paypalmu, cari tambahkan kartu debit/kredit, setelah itu isi nama lengkapmu, point 1-3 diatas dan alamat tagihanmu
Catatan: Nama di rekening paypal harus sesuai dengan nama di rekening CIMB Niagamu, dan lalu alamat tagihan harus sesuai dengan alamat yang tertera di rekening CIMB Niagamu

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Mitos Rumah Tusuk Sate

Rumah Tusuk Sate... mungkin sebagian orang belum tahu. Sedikit penjelasan tentang Rumah Tusuk Sate menurut letak adalah sebuah rumah yang berada tepat di sudut pertigaan jalan. Menurut kepercayan feng shui, Rumah Tusuk Sate merupakan fenomena yang menakutkan. Banyak kisah kisah misteri menakutkan yang kita dengar atau kita baca, tentang petaka petaka yang dialami oleh penghuni rumah tusuk sate ini. Namun di balik semua misteri tersebut sebenarnya ada penjelasan secara logika tentang misteri Rumah Tusuk Sate tersebut:

- Angin yang berhembus akan bertumpu pada rumah tusuk sate,karena terhambat oleh bangunan. Bersamaan dengan angin, terbawa juga debu, kotoran dan segala virus virus yang berterbangan.
- Kendaraan yang lewat pada malam hari,suka atau tidak,akan menembakkan. cahaya lampunya kearah rumah tusuk sate sehingga langsung atatu tidak akan menganggu ketenangan penghuninya.
Bila terjadi sesuatu kecelakaan, misalnya rem kendaraan blong atau pengemudinya mabuk, maka sasaran utama adalah rumah tusuk sate. 
- Segala kekuatan pikiran (the power of mind), yang positif maupun negatif akan menghantam, apa saya yang menjadi titik tumpu pandangan pengendara dan sasaran utamanya adalah rumah atau bangunan yang dalam kondisi tusuk sate. Bila terjadi banjir, maka rumah tusuk sate akan menjadi tumpuan hantaman air. Andaikan sudah terlanjur membeli rumah tusuk sate ini, terus mau di apakan? Mau di jual murah? Atau di biarkan kosong? Ah tidak usah begitu ekstrim, karena toh segala sesuatu didunia ini bisa disiasati;
- Misalkan posisi fungsi ruangan yang tadinya sebagai kamar tidur, diubah menjadi garasi atau gudang.
- Menempatkan tanaman yang menjalar didepan rumah, untuk menghadang debu dan kotoran, serta sekaligus berfungsi menyerap segala energi negatif yang berembus menuju kerumah.  
- Menempatkan sebuah kaca di depan rumah yang akan memantul ulang setiap sinar lampu yang datang dari setiap kendaraan yang lewat didepan rumah, sehingga diharapkan akan mampu menyadarkan pengemudinya yang mungkin lagi ngantuk, agar tidak nyelonong menabrak rumah. Dan segera mengubah posisi lampu dim nya menjadi lampu dekat.

Biasanya warna dinding mempengaruhi kesehatan dan keharmonisan rumah tangga.

Warna adalah manifestasi dari energi. Energi selalu bergetar dan mengirimkan gelombangnya kesegala arah. Agaknya karena itu warna cinta kasih,digambarkan sebagai warna pink. Getaran itu selalu kita respon, secara sadar maupun tidak. Warna memengaruhi kenyamanan lingkungan dan mood. Warna yang kita kenakan sehari-hari memengaruhi pandangan orang lain terhadap kita. Bayangkan anda kekantor tiap hari berpakaian hitam hitam atau merah menyala,pasti anda akan dianggap orang aneh. Padahal tidak ada undang undang yang melarang orang berpakaian demikian. 
Berikut ini sejumlah karakter warna menurut feng shui:
Merah; Sifat merah bersifat mendominasi. Kaitannya dengan sifat hangat serta kemakmuran, tetapi juga menggambarkan kemarahan dan emosional. Baik untuk papan merk, pintu gerbang, carpet, kursi, tetapi tidak cocok untuk warna dinding ruang tidur, ruang makan dan ruang kerja.
KuningMengekspresikan kemampuan intelektual. Sifat positifnya adalah optimisme dan disiplin diri. Sifat negatifnya: keangkuhan dan tidak fleksibel. Hanya cocok untuk gudang dan dapur atau jendela.
Hijau; Melambangkan sifat alamipertumbuhan dan harmoni. Sifat warna: menenangkan, menyembuhkan dan menyegarkan. Sifat positifnya, antusias dan keseimbangan. Negatifnya: angkuh dan iri. Warna ini hanya cocok untuk ruang terapi - Biru; Biru mengekspresikan keimanan,spiritualitas dan kesabaran. juga terkait dengan spiritualitas. Sifat positif: keyakinan dan stabilitas. Negatifnya: sangat sensitif dan tersinggung. Cocok: untuk ruangan meditasi,kontemplasi dan kamar tidur.
Putih; Murni dan bersih. Positif: bersih dan segar. Negatifnya: dingin /tidak berperasaan. Hanya cocok untuk kamar mandi/wash room. Tidak baik untuk ruang tidur dan ruang keluarga.

Sebagai bukti bahwa warna mempengaruhi kehidupan internal kita adalah: tidak ada orang yang waras, mewarnai rumahnya dengan warna hitam. Karena warna hitam adalah warna kematian dan kegelapan. Tidak ada juga orang yang sedemikian nyentriknya,sehingga seluruh dinding rumahnya di cat dengan wana merah menyala,karena akan menyebabkan penghuninya menjadi emosional dan akan mengalami gangguan kejiwaan.
Nah, jadi bila ada hal hal yang kita belum tahu, jangan kita cepat cepat memberikan stigma: “tahayul” lebih baik kita pelajari dulu, siapa tahu dibalik sesuatu yang kelihatannya diliputi misteri, ternyata terdapat logika yang dapat menjelaskannya. Semakin banyak kita belajar,semakin banyak pula hal yang kita pahami dan semakin kurang kita menuduh sesuatu itu:” tahyul atau ada jin nya”
Semoga artikel singkat ini bermanfaat untuk disimak dan mungkin berguna juga untuk diterapkan dalam menata keseimbangan antara yin dan yang dirumah yang kita tempati, sehingga keharmonisan rumah tangga dan keberuntungan akan jadi milik kita, tanpa kita harus percaya segala sesuatu yang bersifat tahyul.

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Thursday, 1 December 2016

Avenger (age of ultron)

Language: English
Subtitle: Indonesian


In the Eastern European country of Sokovia, the Avengers  Tony StarkSteve Rogers, Thor, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, and Clint Barton – raid a Hydra facility commanded by BaronWolfgang von Strucker, who has been experimenting on humans using the scepter previously wielded by Loki. They encounter two of Strucker's test subjects – twins Pietro Maximoff, who has superhuman speed, and Wanda Maximoff, who can manipulate minds and project energy – and apprehend Strucker, while Stark retrieves Loki's scepter.
Stark and Banner discover an artificial intelligence within the scepter's gem, and secretly use it to complete Stark's "Ultron" global defense program. The unexpectedly sentient Ultron, believing he must eradicate humanity to save Earth, eliminates Stark's A.I. J.A.R.V.I.S. and attacks the Avengers at their headquarters. Escaping with the scepter, Ultron uses the resources in Strucker's Sokovia base to upgrade his rudimentary body and build an army of robot drones. Having killed Strucker, he recruits the Maximoffs, who hold Stark responsible for their parents' deaths by his weapons, and go to the base of arms dealer Ulysses Klaue to obtain Wakandan vibranium. The Avengers attack Ultron and the Maximoffs, but Wanda subdues them with haunting visions, causing the Hulk (Banner) to rampage until Stark stops him with his anti-Hulk armor.
A worldwide backlash over the resulting destruction, and the fears Wanda's hallucinations incited, send the team into hiding at a safehouse. Thor departs to consult with Dr. Erik Selvig on the meaning of the apocalyptic future he saw in his hallucination, while Romanoff and Banner plan to flee together after realizing a mutual attraction. However, Nick Fury arrives and encourages the team to form a plan to stop Ultron. In Seoul, Ultron forces the team's friend Dr. Helen Cho to use her synthetic-tissue technology, together with vibranium and the scepter's gem, to perfect a new body for him. As Ultron uploads himself into the body, Wanda is able to read his mind; discovering his plan for human extinction, the Maximoffs turn against Ultron. Rogers, Romanoff, and Barton find Ultron and retrieve the synthetic body, but Ultron captures Romanoff.
The Avengers fight amongst themselves when Stark secretly uploads J.A.R.V.I.S. – who is still operational after hiding from Ultron inside the Internet – into the synthetic body. Thor returns to help activate the body, explaining that the gem on its brow – one of the six Infinity Stones, the most powerful objects in existence – was part of his vision. This "Vision" and the Maximoffs accompany the Avengers to Sokovia, where Ultron has used the remaining vibranium to build a machine to lift a large part of the capital city skyward, intending to crash it into the ground to cause global extinction. Banner rescues Romanoff, who awakens the Hulk for the battle. The Avengers fight Ultron's army while Fury arrives in a Helicarrier with Maria Hill, James Rhodes and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to evacuate civilians. Pietro dies when he shields Barton from gunfire, and a vengeful Wanda abandons her post to destroy Ultron's primary body, which allows one of his drones to activate the machine. The city plummets, but Stark and Thor overload the machine and shatter the landmass. In the aftermath, the Hulk, unwilling to endanger Romanoff by being with her, departs in a Quinjet, while the Vision confronts Ultron's last remaining body.
Later, with the Avengers having established a new base run by Fury, Hill, Cho, and Selvig, Thor returns to Asgard to learn more about the forces he suspects have manipulated recent events. As Stark leaves and Barton retires, Rogers and Romanoff prepare to train new Avengers: Rhodes, the Vision, Sam Wilson, and Wanda.

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Taken 3

Language: English
Subtitle: Indonesian

Retired police officer and former covert operative Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson) visits his daughter, Kim (Maggie Grace), to deliver a birthday gift. After an awkward visit, he invites his ex-wife, Lenore (Famke Janssen), to dinner. Although she declines, she shows up at his apartment and tells him about her marital problems. He agrees to let her try to work things out with her current husband Stuart (Dougray Scott).
The following day, Bryan receives a text from Lenore asking to meet him for breakfast. Bryan goes out for bagels; and, when he returns to his apartment, he discovers her lifeless body. L.A.P.D. units immediately appear and try to arrest him; but he resists and escapes. Meanwhile, L.A.P.D. Inspector Frank Dotzler (Forest Whitaker) familiarizes himself with Bryan's background and issues a B.O.L.O. for him.
Bryan retreats to a safe house equipped with weapons and surveillance electronics. He retraces Lenore's travels to a remote gas station convenience store and finds surveillance footage of her being abducted by unidentified men with unique hand tattoos; but L.A.P.D. detectives arrive and arrest him. While in-transit, Bryan frees himself, hijacks the police cruiser, escapes, and downloads phone records from an L.A.P.D. database onto a thumb drive. He contacts Kim at Lenore's funeral via his former covert co-workers and friends instructing her to maintain her "very predictable schedule". She purchases her daily yogurt drink with a "Drink Me Now" note which unknowingly is drugged by Bryan. During a lecture, she feels nauseated and runs to the restroom where Bryan is waiting. He surprises her and gives her the antidote to the drug. Bryan removes a surveillance bug that, unknown to her, was planted by Dotzler. He tells her that he is looking for the real murderer and that she should keep safe. Kim tells Bryan of her pregnancy and that Stuart is acting scared and has hired bodyguards which he has never done before.
Bryan tails Stuart's car but is ambushed by a pursuing SUV that pushes his car over the edge of a cliff. He survives the crash, hijacks a car, follows the attackers to a roadside liquor store and kills them. Bryan then abducts and interrogates Stuart, who confesses that his failure to repay a debt to a former business partner and ex-Spetsnaz operative named Oleg Malankov (Sam Spruell) was the reason Lenore was killed and that he exposed Bryan's identity to Malankov out of jealousy.
With assistance from his old colleagues and a nervous Stuart, Bryan gains entry to Malankov's heavily secured penthouse. After killing the guards, a furious gun battle, and brutal fight, a mortally wounded Malankov reveals that Stuart tricked them both. Stuart planned Lenore's murder and framed Bryan as part of a business deal to collect on a $12M insurance policy. When Malankov failed to kill Bryan, Stuart used Bryan to kill Malankov and remove all threats. Meanwhile, Stuart shoots Bryan's ally, Sam (Leland Orser), and abducts Kim, intending to flee with the money. Under police pursuit, Bryan arrives at the airport in Malankov's Porsche as Stuart's plane is taxiing toward takeoff. After destroying the landing gear, preventing the plane from taking off, Bryan overpowers Stuart and prepares to kill him but pauses at Kim's pleas. He tells Stuart to expect final punishment if he escapes justice or completes a reduced prison sentence. Dotzler and the LAPD arrive to arrest Stuart. Bryan is acquitted and cleared of all charges.
In the aftermath of Stuart's arrest, Kim who is pregnant, informs Bryan that she wants to name her baby after her mother.

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You Too Can Speak

A pronunciation guide for all levels.

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TOEFL Secrets

it is a tactical weapon designed to exploit weaknesses in the test itself, and help you avoid the most common errors students make when taking the TOEFL.

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Password: segudanginformasi99

400 Must Have Words For The TOEFL

400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL® will help you improve your score on the TOEFL test. In particular, this book will build your TOEFL vocabulary for the new Internet-based TOEFL of 2005. 
This book is designed for ease of use as a self-study guide. Its chapters were written for easy completion in one sitting—about 25 minutes. 400 Must-Have Words is also highly effective in the TOEFL-prep classroom. 
Each chapter begins with a list of 10 target words.These words are defined and used in sample sentences.Usage tips are given for many words, as are any commonly used parts of speech related to the target word. 
Following these definitions, the words are practiced in three exercises. TOEFL Prep I and TOEFL Prep II give straightforward practice in a variety of easy exercise styles.The last exercise,TOEFL Success,includes a TOEFL-style reading followed by one or two authentic TOEFL-style questions. Most TOEFL Success readings incorporate all 10 target words, and most also include an additional bonus structure.Each chapter ends with an answer key. so, you can check your work. 
As an extra feature,this book includes a special front section called “Six Quick Hints for Success on the TOEFL®.”These hints give general test-taking advice for TOEFL success. 
This book was written by ELT professionals who help prepare students for the TOEFL test.Their selection of words for this book was based on extensive experience with the TOEFL test, information about the corpus (body of words) that is used in creating the actual TOEFL test,and TOEFL materials published by ETS,the creators of the TOEFL test. 
400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL® is the best book on the market to improve your vocabulary for the TOEFL test.

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Password: segudanginformasi99

Monday, 28 November 2016

Civil War

Language: English
Subtitle: Indonesian

Captain America: Civil War is a 2016 American superhero film featuring the Marvel Comics character Captain America, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is the sequel to 2011'sCaptain America: The First Avenger and 2014's Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and the thirteenth film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film is directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, with a screenplay by Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely, and features an ensemble cast, including Chris EvansRobert Downey Jr.Scarlett JohanssonSebastian StanAnthony MackieDon CheadleJeremy RennerChadwick BosemanPaul Bettany,Elizabeth OlsenPaul RuddEmily VanCampTom HollandFrank Grillo,William Hurt, and Daniel Brühl. In Captain America: Civil War, disagreement over international oversight of the Avengers fractures them into opposing factions—one led by Steve Rogers and the other by Tony Stark.

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Conjuring II

Language: English
Subtitle: Indonesian

The Conjuring 2 is a 2016 American horror film directed by James Wan and written by Carey HayesChad Hayes, Wan and David Leslie Johnson. It is the sequel to the 2013 film The Conjuring, and is the second installment in The Conjuring film series and the third in the franchisePatrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga reprise their roles as paranormal investigators and authors Ed and Lorraine Warren from the first film. The film follows the Warrens as they travel to Britain to assist the Hodgson family, who are experiencing poltergeist activity at their BrimsdownEnfield council house in 1977 which later became referred to as the Enfield Poltergeist.

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Improving Students' reading Comprehension By Using Pre Questionings

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The Relationship Between Idiom Mastery And Reading Comprehension

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The Effectiveness of Suggestopedia on Students' Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text

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Students' Reading Comprehension Based On Their Learning Styles

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Sunday, 27 November 2016

The Relationship Between Students' Reading Habit And Their Reading Comprehension

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The Effectiveness of Using Authentic Material In Teaching Students' Reading Comprehension

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An Investigation of The Practice of Effective Teaching Strategies

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The Relationship Between Movie Watching Activity And Listening Skill

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The Effectiveness of Story Mapping Technique Toward Students' Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text

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Comparing The Effectiveness of Using Jigsaw Technique

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